

beach location

beach location

Wednesday 27 February 2008

Monday 25 February 2008

Day 2 of filming

On the second day of filming we went to the train station to shoot some performance shots and all the narrative shots. It went well and many of the problems we encounterd in camber i.e. cold weather, were not apparent hear. The only problem was that it took longer than expected and we had to do some of the shots after dark under the light they had at the station.

Thursday 7 February 2008

1st day of filming- camber

our team of five left at 1pm on friday 1st February. I drove us all down in one car and we made good time and arrived bt 2pm. As soon as we arrived and stepped out of the car we realised it would be a struggle to achieve all the filming we had planned for as the cold wheather struck us straight away. We got all our equipment out of the car and walked onto the beach. With our delight the tide was out and we couldn't have wished for a more beautiful location as there wasnt a cloud in sight. As soon as we went bare foot and felt how freezing the wet sand was, we new we would have to go through the pain barrier to achieve all the shots we wanted.
It was perfect, exactly what we wanted, and as we began to record footage we realised the cold and wind was only favouring us as the footage was showing us the superb windswept boyband image we originaly set out to achieve. However the cold was really starting to set in and everyone's feet were numb but we had to soldier on. I felt our preparation was spot on as we had a good enough sound system to hear over the wind, the correct timing for our lines. Everyone was focused and we didnt need to make too many shots as everyone took such a professional approach that we all sang the correct words and used the appropriate body language.
We then moved from the windswept shots on the sea line to take some footage up on the sand dunes which were also very successfull. The sun began to set and we finished off the days shooting with some deeper emotional shots which really worked well with our track. We could have stayed to take some more shots but everyone was really beginning to struggle with the cold so we took a group decision to leave and hope that the footage we had was good enough.
When we arrived home we linked the camera up to the TV. This was the point when everyone involved in the project, (weather other actors or helpers with sound and filming)realised that this wasnt just a bit of fun anymore, that this video actually had the potential to be a brilliant music video, reaching the same quality as ones seen on the music channels. Everyone was so thrilled with the results of the filming and we couldnt wait to take our footage into school to start work on the editing.
A huge thanks to the other boys who put their own time and effort into helping myself and Dan achieve a fantastic first day of shooting.

Thursday 31 January 2008


From our research we can see that boy bands tend to wear jeans with the bottoms rolled up or long shorts, with no shoes. They are normally topless or wearing tank tops, unfortuantly with the cold weather this may not be possible for our video. the jeans are either blue or beige and the shirt are either white, black or grey. In the shots with the actors, they will be wearing smart casual clothes.

Wednesday 30 January 2008

Practice Shots

In class me and Nick took the time to do some practice shots of things we are going to do in the video. This we thought would save us time for when we are at the location. We found that it is hard to keep the camera still whilest moving with it so we keep the carmera stil and just try to use the lever on the camera for any movement. We also practising close ups and found they need to be at eye level and they looked best when it showed the face aswell as shoulders as it fills the shot better.

Monday 28 January 2008

start of filming

The inital start date of the 27th of January has had to been pushed back a week because one of the boyband members picked up a back injury in the morning before the group were planning to go out at about mid-day. this was very unfortunate as the weather was perfect for the look the group want to convey in the video.
To cater for this, the group will look to spend a longer amount of time at their main location this week-end, making sure they take plenty of shots, using enough different camera angles to have enough material required for all the coverage at the beach location.


here is the link to our anamatic-
we are very happy with the way our project is starting to look and we have learnt some important aspects we need to change. we realised some shots are too long and that we needed some shorter snappier shots which are present in the majority of boy band music videos.
over all we felt that we are happy with the style and feel we will be able to convert the anamatic drawings into the actual music video without too much difficulty.